Monday, January 23, 2012


Exactly how my brain is these days... overloaded.  Still... life is good!
a typical day in school.....

 Leadership Training for High School Class Officers

English 2 (Writing in the Discipline) Final Paper Presentation - HRM Students

Break time with Teacher Ed and Accountancy students

M.A SPED 504 (Psychology of Exceptional Children) Class - FSUU
Class Discussion on Classification of Disorders

Monday, January 16, 2012

What's Up?

It's been a while since my last post as I have been preoccupied with MARION Tutor Franchise stuff. Material making is almost done now and curriculum/worksheet-making will start pretty soon. I have to finish at least 90% by February as the training for the first batch of franchisees will be on March. In spite of the mammoth tasks ahead putting together this venture, I feel at ease as this is really my passion and inspired by my two kids.

Here are latest pictures from school, MUST, with my class in the graduate school (M.A. SpEd).
    MSE 545 Class (MUST) - Teaching Children with Severe and Multiple Disabilities

     Right outside the campus (MUST)  

Chinese Noodles for Lunch