
A Hands-On Equation based worksheets

Lesson 1 - Trial and Error

 <= This one is the kit that you could use with the worksheets here (while my kits are still in production stage). The set using jack stones (the one referred here is my modification as I find it more playful and amusing)  will be out soon.

Lesson 2 - Jack is "x" 

 <= This one is the kit that you could use with the worksheets here (while my kits are still in production stage). The set using jack stones (the one referred here is my modification as I find it more playful and amusing)  will be out soon.

Lesson 3 - Legal Move - Jacks    "take here, take there"
 <= This one is the kit that you could use with the worksheets here (while my kits are still in production stage). The set using jack stones (the one referred here is my modification as I find it more playful and amusing)  will be out soon.

Lesson 4 - Legal Move - Dices   "take here, take there"

 <= This one is the kit that you could use with the worksheets here (while my kits are still in production stage). The set using jack stones (the one referred here is my modification as I find it more playful and amusing)  will be out soon.

Lesson 5 - Set Up


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