Wednesday, December 15, 2010


So I started full time work on my thesis paper and I'd say it's a LOT of work - mind and body. I had about 4 changes, which means 4 sets of Chapters1 to 3 writing.  It's on the 4th "edition" that I finally figured out what i exactly want to do.... (no wonder a lot of M.A. students are not able to make it through graduation as thesis writing is really a pain...!) - BUT.. am up for the challenge.

am no statistics person (i observed am not patient figuring out those formula, but that's why there are statisticians... division of labor!) but mixed research method caught my attention. so that's the method am using in my research as it maximizes qualitative and quantitative methods within and across stages.Now I am excited to start field work after my defense. Let's see what happens next...

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