Tuesday, July 13, 2010


When the subjects am handling now in the college department were given to me, I asked myself, "alright... so what's relevant and fun that I can use as an approach and of course, the content of  my syllabus for all the subjects I have?". I let the idea just sat for days.... weeks .... and as soon as the school started, everything fell into place. I thought of giving the students something new other than just yack infront of the class. A kind of assessment that is technologically anchored - the Blog. And the result just amazes me! I see a different perspective of the students who are mostly timid and yet are a well of interesting individuals full of talents and life which, mind you, not a glimpse of it in the classroom had I stick to the tried and tested face-to-face teaching approach. I guess this will be an extra-ordinary semester for them as we level up on the blogging approach as part of classroom instruction. Well done, class.... well done.

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