Tuesday, August 9, 2011



This study has provided a modified behavior management system in the framework of Positive Behavior Supports for the high school department.

Research questions were answered in the current behavior management system status, case referral status, the necessary corrections and modifications, and the modified behavior management design. The conceptual framework was anchored on the multiplicity principle of mixed research method. Eight survey instruments, interviews, and observations were employed to four administrators, twenty-six staff, twenty parents, and one hundred seventy five  students. Data were limited to the high school department only.

Results revealed that the existing Behavior Management System put more weight on the PBS goal of decreasing problem behavior in its current system and missed two equally important goals of a proactive system: prevention of problem behaviors and increase of positive social behaviors. However, it fared well having established a system that kept problem behaviors manageable but not without lapses. Support systems to establish the two other goals and refine the existing one to align with the PBS standards were designed while integrating the unique nuance of spirituality in all the three goals. Direction of further research was suggested.

(key words: PBS, School-wide Positive Behavior Supports, proactive system, discipline,  behavior management )

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