Saturday, August 16, 2014

Special Education Underpinnings

Since I started a life with Special Education (about 6 years now), my attitude to life changed for the better. It
helped me a lot in having a life that is at peace with myself and therefore I am able to give more of what I have to others. The better disposition I have, the more good things happen to my life. Everything I do always bears underpinnings of special education.

Because like I said that I still carry the same aspiration when I started SPED, all things I do in the field of education is anchored on Special Education underpinnings. The system I developed for tutoring students with Math and Reading difficulties and the entrepreneurship curriculum I made for a school, carry underpinnings of special education. The same is true to the workbooks I made specially for the tutorial centers and the schools.

Here are some of the full version workbooks I made. There is a modular version for all these series (I made booklets of these ones as well. same content though).

Algebra Play 

 The Decimal System 1

The Decimal System 2 

Fractions Play 

Children's Geometry  

 Grammar For Starters

 I Speak English

 Math Concepts

 Montessori World Geography

 Spelling and Reading

 Writing Series - Print and Calligraphy

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