Thursday, July 31, 2014

Algebra Worksheets - Lesson 2

In Lesson 1, the worksheets provided practice equations for its objective which is balancing an equation through trial and error. The children don't have to memorize any formula. Explain to them that equation is
balance - whatever is the value of one side (dice), should be the same with the other side (jack). You emphasize value NOT the quantity. So the practice sheets starts with one to one correspondence. The children do it by guessing the possible value of the jack stone on one side  - guess the value starting from 1 and then go on until you see the same value on the other side then they stop because the value has been reached. Just like that.

In Lesson 2, it still solves algebra equations using trial and error but this time you introduce the special name of the jack stone -> X. So now the children learn that jack's special name actually is "X" and that they also will write it as "x" instead of a triangle (jack). It's still the same trial and error but this time replacing the triangle symbol with an "x". 

Sample worksheets for Lesson 2:

Next Post, Lesson 3.

<= This one is the kit that you could use with the worksheets here (while my kits are still in production stage). The set using jack stones (the one referred here is my modification as I find it more playful and amusing)  will be out soon.

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